TimeDistanceMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegionDistrictTypes
Monday Basic Principles
Pilgrim United Methodist Church
4325 Zachary Ln Plymouth Closed, Handicapped Accessible, Men and Women, Step & Tradition
Monday Sisters of Service (SOS) Women
Pilgrim United Methodist Church
In-person and Online
4325 Zachary Ln Plymouth Open, Step, Women
Monday Tradition Three-Plymouth
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
13015 Rockford Rd Plymouth Closed, Handicapped Accessible, Men and Women, Step
Tuesday SPD Tuesday Night Group
St. Phillip the Deacon Lutheran Church
17205 County Rd 6 Plymouth Closed, Discussion, Men and Women, Speaker, Step, Topic
Wednesday New Way
St. Mary's of the Lake Catholic Church
105 Forestview Ln N Plymouth Closed, Men and Women, Topic
Thursday Open Door AA
Christ Memorial Lutheran Church
In-person and Online
13501 Sunset Trail Plymouth Closed, Handicapped Accessible, Men and Women
Saturday Tradition One
Pilgrim United Methodist Church
4325 Zachary Ln Plymouth Handicapped Accessible, Men and Women, Open, Topic
Sunday Sunday Sobriety
11505 36th Ave N Plymouth Big Book, Men and Women, Open